Earls Court Square

Earls Court Square –

sunlight through plane trees
creates shadow puppets
on the grass

a shimmering globe
mirror of distortion
white space crumpled sky

a black cat raises havoc
with noisy parakeets
blackbirds and robins retreat

grand stucco-fronted
terraces red brick
Flemish-style houses

untamed ivy creeps
into ancient urns
at night foxes run over

the roofs of parked cars
slide down the windscreens
drink from the waterfall

stone dogs
symbols of Egyptian gods
sit in state

guarding the garden
their ears sadly
often broken

Eyre knows every flower
with shears he cuts
a bush into a neat ball

small rhythms
work in harmony
with the soil.

P1080143 P1080150 P1080224

One of six poems written as Poet in residence – June 2017
Thanks to The Poetry School and Open London Squares Weekend

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